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 [Image et Script] 538

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2 participants
Admin OPM - Flemmard plutot actif
Admin OPM - Flemmard plutot actif

Nombre de messages : 1411
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2008

[Image et Script] 538 Empty
MessageSujet: [Image et Script] 538   [Image et Script] 538 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Mar - 18:29

La précédente image, celle de Luffy en fille était un Fake


Citation :
Pic #1
Chapter 538 "Lv5.5 New Comer (Kama) Land
Zoro and a giant cock (no dirty pun intended)

Pic #2
Ivasan: 10 years of your life....!!!
I'm going to use up 10 years of life you would have lived, Strawhat boy.

Luffy: huff... huff... ok.

Pic #3
Ivasan: I'm not a god or buddha.
"The miracle one"? I don't care what you people decide to call me...
but I have never saved idiots that simply relies on others to help them.
Nation that's about to collapse from poverty... nation that lost in a war, and about to perish...
I've always questioned their "will to live".
Mircale only comes upon those who never gives up!!!
Don't underestimate "miracles"!!!!

Pic #4
Ivasan: ....in other words, I ate the hormone hormone fruit to become a hormone controlling human.
sex, health, growth, (rest is too blurry to read).... I'm an engineer of human body that can alter people from inside.
You have the scent of "new men", but...
My candies here have surpassed the barriers of sex
Women here may have been men before... and men here may have been women before, that type of miracle.
Nnnnnnnfufufufu that kind of miracle!!

Pic #5
Ivasan: ...and I heard that candy led to create a paradise for the prisoners.
This place is like an ant trap dug in a massive rock....
To explain by floors... this place is right in the middle of level 5 and 6.

Bon-chan: Wait a sec, Level 6!? There is such a thing!?

Ivasan: Yeah, it's not a common knowledge here...
But there is. Prisoners held there are serious trouble!!
All of them are either on death-row or here for life...!!

Pic #6
(top cut off, illegible)
Ivasan: it's because there's another powerful force here in this prison.
Impel Down Chief Prison Guard.... (blurry) Shiryuu. He's about equal in power to Magellan..!!
Considering Magellan's short active shift time, Shiryuu is more of a force to reckon with.

Bon-chan: Equal to Magellan!?

Ivasan: Impel Down have been protected by these two powerhouses to guard its iron defences

Pic #7
(Shiryuu: Who's gonna care if I cut these trashes?)
Magellan closes a cell on him

Ivasan: He kept mass-murdering prisoners left and right, and was out of control.
So they lebeled him a danger, and locked him up in Level 6

Bon-chan: I've never heard such incident! Even if it was before I came here

Ivasan: The worst female prisoner among the pirate world, Katherina Delin....
Gigantic Battleship SanJuan Wolf... (other names there, but too blurry to read)

Pic #8
Bon-chan: Mugi-chan!!?
candies: Yeaaaaahhhh!!!! Mugiwara Boy!!!

Ivasan: N.... no way!!? What's going on!!? It hasn't even been a day yet!!?

Dernière édition par Naruto le Mar 31 Mar - 19:14, édité 1 fois
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Admin OPM - Légende OPM
Admin OPM - Légende OPM

Nombre de messages : 1416
Age : 28
Localisation : Devant mon ordi.
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2008

[Image et Script] 538 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Image et Script] 538   [Image et Script] 538 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Avr - 14:02

Ok, et tu peut ouvrir un débat parce que le sogeteam fout rien.
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[Image et Script] 538
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